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Transcellular calcium transport is an essential activity in mineralized tissue formation, including that in nervous systems. Dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis can induce excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration in the central nervous system. Nckx3, a potassium-dependent Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, is most abundant in the brain and has a critical role in the transport of intracellular calcium across the cell membrane. However, the roles of Nckx3 in neuron development and function remain unreported. Herein, we examined the behaviors of Nckx3-knock-out mice at the age of six weeks. Detailed behavioral analyses showed Nckx3-/- mice exhibited an increase in moving distances in the open field test. Additionally, the rotarod test revealed motor learning defects in Nckx3-/- mice. Both Nckx3+/- and Nckx-/- mice also exhibited deficits in sociability and social novelty preference. Furthermore, Nckx-/- mice displayed increased depression-related behavior. However, there was no significant change in cognition function detected in Nckx-/- mice. This study demonstrates that NCKX3 is involved in behavior and neuronal function.


D N Tran, E-M Jung, Y-M Yoo, J-H Lee, E-B Jeung. Potassium-dependent sodium/calcium exchanger 3 (Nckx3) depletion leads to abnormal motor function and social behavior in mice. Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society. 2020 Aug;71(4)

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PMID: 33214341

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