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    We investigated the effect of electrical stimulation (ES) of varying pulse frequency on differentiation and proliferation of canine myloglossus satellite cells in vitro. Cellular viability and proliferation were assayed using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay and flow cytometry fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Cellular differentiation and expression of mark molecule were assayed by Real Time-PCR and Western blot. With increasing frequency ES, we found a significant increase in Myod (r=0.988, p<0.0001), myogenin (r=0.988, p<0.0001), MyHC-slow (r=0.988, p<0.0001), MyHC-fast (r=0.875, p<0.0001) protein expression, and Pax7 mRNA expression (r=0.712, p=0.001). Pax7 mRNA expression and MyoD, myogenin, and MyHC protein expression were increased with increment of electrical stimulation frequency in myloglossus muscle satellite. Higher frequency ES enhanced myloglossus satellite cell differentiation, not proliferation and viability.


    Q-H Cheng, J-Y Li, X-L Sheng, J Jiang, S-H Chen, S-L Ouyang, P-J Ge. Higher frequency electrical stimulation enhanced myloglossus satellite cell differentiation by upregulating expression of Pax7 mRNA, MyoD, myogenin and MyHC protein. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences. 2020 Dec;24(23):12041-12049

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    PMID: 33336722

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