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The Escherichia coli QseB/QseC signaling regulates expressions of more than 50 genes encoding flagellar proteins and proteins associated with virulence. Here we found that absence of the QseB/QseC signaling led to an early initiation of chromosomal replication and higher concentration of DnaA which is initiator for replication. The upstream region of dnaA promoter contains three potential QseB binding sites and absence of these binding sites increased transcription of the dnaA gene in wild-type cells but not in the cells lacking the qseB/qseC genes, showing that the QseB/QseC signaling regulates dnaA expression through the QseB binding sites. Also increased cell motility but neither cell size nor growth rate in ΔqseBC and ΔqseB cells was observed and these effects were reversed by ectopic expression of QseBC. Further, it was found that QseB interacted with the DnaK chaperone and FtsZ cell division protein in vivo, and absence of DnaK or partial inactivation of FtsZ decreased cell motility. Thus, we conclude that the QseB/QseC signaling modulates timing of replication initiation by regulating expression of DnaA, coordinates cell motility with cell division through interacting with the DnaK and FtsZ protein. Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Dan Wu, Luvsandorj Baigalmaa, Yuan Yao, Guotao Li, Ming Su, Lifei Fan, Morigen. The Escherichia coli QseB/QseC signaling is required for correct timing of replication initiation and cell motility. Gene. 2021 Mar 20;773:145374

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PMID: 33359126

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