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  • argentina (1)
  • bacillus (1)
  • bartonella (2)
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  • cat (1)
  • cat scratch disease (4)
  • diagnosis (1)
  • disease bone (2)
  • dog scratch (1)
  • dogs (1)
  • fever (2)
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    Cat-scratch disease is produced by the bacterium Bartonella henselae, a gram-negative bacillus transmitted through cutaneous inoculation by a cat or dog's scratch or bite. It has a wide clinical spectrum, from a typical picture characterized by a regional lymphadenopathy near to the inoculation site to atypical pictures with systemic compromise. Bone compromise is infrequent, it represents around 0.2-0.5 % of the cases. We present a 3-year-old previously healthy patient, who was admitted with prolonged fever related to pain and movement limitation of the cervical spine. Diagnosis of cat-scratch disease with multiple bone involvement was reached. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría.


    Cynthia Slaifstein, Nicolás Borin, Melanie Monzón Ostoich, Mariel Merñiez, Paula Marqués Burgos, Johanna Aliano, Ignacio Núñez, Ariel Cheistwer. Cat-scratch disease with multiple bone involvement]. Archivos argentinos de pediatria. 2021 Feb;119(1):e84-e87

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    PMID: 33458999

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