Wen Cheng, Yujie Sun, Mingcong Fan, Yan Li, Li Wang, Haifeng Qian
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 2022Wheat bran is a major by-product of white flour milling and had been produced in large quantities around the world; it is rich in dietary fiber and had already been used in many products such as whole grain baking or high dietary fiber addition. It has been confirmed that a sufficient intake of dietary fiber in wheat bran with appropriate physiological functions is beneficial to human health. Wheat bran had been considered as the addition with a large potential for improving the nutritional condition of the human body based on the dietary fiber supplement. The present review summarized the available information on wheat bran related to its dietary fiber functions, which may be helpful for further development of wheat bran as dietary fiber resource.
Wen Cheng, Yujie Sun, Mingcong Fan, Yan Li, Li Wang, Haifeng Qian. Wheat bran, as the resource of dietary fiber: a review. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 2022;62(26):7269-7281
PMID: 33938774
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