The functions, genetic variations and impact of apolipoprotein E on lipoprotein metabolism in general are placed in the context of clinical practice dealing with moderate dyslipidaemia as well as dysbetalipoproteinemia, a highly atherogenic disorder and lipoprotein glomerulopathy. Additional variants of apolipoprotein E and participation of apolipoprotein E in inflammation are of interest. The mostly favourable effects of apolipoprotein E2 as well as the atherogenic nature of apolipoproteinE4, which has an association with cognitive impairment, are confirmed. The contribution of remnant lipoproteins of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, of which dysbetalipoproteinemia represents an extreme, is explored in atherosclerosis. Mimetic peptides may present new therapeutic approaches. Apolipoprotein E is an important determinant of the lipid profile and cardiovascular health in the population at large and can precipitate dysbetalipoproteinemia and glomerulopathy. Awareness of apolipoprotein E polymorphisms should improve medical care.
A D Marais. Apolipoprotein E and Atherosclerosis. Current atherosclerosis reports. 2021 May 10;23(7):34
PMID: 33970359
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