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Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is mainly regulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) in liver. The PPARα-FGF21 axis protects against alcohol-related liver disease (ALD). FGF21 exerts its effect via FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1). However, liver specific FGFR1 abrogation had no effect on ALD. Adipose tissues highly express FGFR1. When adipocyte specific FGFR1 knockout (fgfr1adipoQ-cre) mice and corresponding normal control (fgfr1fl/fl) mice were fed with Lieber-DeCarli ethanol liquid diet for 3 weeks, liver triglyceride (TG) accumulation was increased in the fgfr1fl/fl mice to a greater extent than in the fgfr1adipoQ-cre mice. When PPARα agonist WY-14,643 was added in the liquid ethanol diet at 10 mg/L, the ethanol-induced liver TG accumulation was blunted in the fgfr1fl/fl mice but not in the fgfr1adipoQ-cre mice. There was no significant difference in WY-14,643-induced fatty acid oxidation, ethanol metabolism, and oxidative stress between the fgfr1fl/fl and fgfr1adipoQ-cre mice. Interestingly, adipose atrophy was induced by WY-14,643 in the fgfr1adipoQ-cre mice but not in the fgfr1fl/fl mice. Serum free fatty acid was also decreased by WY-14,643 in the fgfr1adipoQ-cre mice but not in the fgfr1fl/fl mice. These results suggest that WY-14,643 inhibits alcoholic fatty liver and regulates adipose tissue mass and fat mobilization from adipose tissues to liver in an adipocyte FGFR1-dependent manner. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Yunhui Xu, Krista L Denning, Yongke Lu. PPARα agonist WY-14,643 induces adipose atrophy and fails to blunt chronic ethanol-induced hepatic fat accumulation in mice lacking adipose FGFR1. Biochemical pharmacology. 2021 Oct;192:114678

PMID: 34265279

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