The UK Dental Medicines Advisory Service (UKDMAS) provides advice to dentists and other dental healthcare professionals concerning the use of medicines and medical devices in dentistry. The commonly asked questions posed to the UKDMAS concerning the prescribing and administering of dental emergency drugs in dental practice are discussed, with answers supplemented by relevant information from clinicians. These include the drugs that need to be stocked in the emergency drugs kit in dental practice, their formats and storage, and the restrictions on which members of the dental team can administer the drugs. © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association.
Gillian L Barker, E Anne Field, Christine Randall. UK Dental Medicines Advisory Service: questions asked by dentists - part 2: drugs used for medical emergencies in dental practice. British dental journal. 2021 Oct;231(8):458-462
PMID: 34686808
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