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Ocular metastasis is considered a rare phenomenon. Metastatic spread of tumors in the eyeball is usually discovered only when it affects the visual acuity. In women, breast tumors are to known metastasize in and around the eyeball. Cervical carcinomas are rarely known to metastasize in the eyeball. We present here a rare case of ocular metastasis, diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration cytology, in a known case of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Copyright: © 2021 Journal of Cytology.


Deepak Vedant, Vijay Kaushal, Anchana Gulati. Cytological Diagnosis of Ocular Metastasis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cervix. Journal of cytology. 2021 Jul-Sep;38(3):171-173

PMID: 34703095

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