Buşra Yedekçi, Ayşen Tezcaner, Bengi Yılmaz, Teyfik Demir, Zafer Evis
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2022 JanBioceramic/polymer composite systems have gained importance in treating hard tissue damages using bone tissue engineering (BTE). In this context, it was aimed to develop 3D porous composite PCL-PEG-PCL scaffolds containing different amounts of B, Sr and Mg multi-doped HA that can provide bone regeneration in the bone defect area and to investigate the effect of both the amount of inorganic phase and the porosity on the mechanical and the biological properties. B-Sr-Mg multi-doped HA and PCL-PEG-PCL copolymer were successfully synthesized. PCL-PEG-PCL composite scaffolds containing different amounts of hydroxyapatite (HA) (10% and 20 wt%) were produced with the desired porosity (50% and 60%) by compression-molding and particulate leaching method. The porosity of the scaffolds was determined between 47% and 59%. HA/PCL-PEG-PCL composite scaffolds were subjected to a 3-week degradation test and showed negligible (0.2-0.5%) degradation. The water uptake percentage of the composite scaffolds with 60% porosity was the highest among all groups. Presence of HA in the scaffolds improved the water adsorption and the mechanical properties. Compressive strength of the scaffolds was between 9.32 and 24.27 MPa and 20% 2Sr0.5BHA scaffolds were found to have the maximum compressive strength. Compressive strength of 50% porous samples was higher than that of 60% porous samples. In the relative cell viability (%) test, the highest viability was observed on the scaffolds with HA and 2Sr0.5BHA. The specific ALP activity level of the cells on the scaffolds containing 2Sr0.5BHA was significantly higher (2.6 times) than that of the control group. The amount of porosity did not make a significant difference in cellular response. It was concluded that PCL-PEG-PCL composite scaffolds with 2Sr0.5BHA have the potential to be used in BTE. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Buşra Yedekçi, Ayşen Tezcaner, Bengi Yılmaz, Teyfik Demir, Zafer Evis. 3D porous PCL-PEG-PCL / strontium, magnesium and boron multi-doped hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2022 Jan;125:104941
PMID: 34749203
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