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This is the second annual Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Health Benefits Survey released since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite widespread workplace disruption, the key metrics we survey remained fairly stable. Average premiums for single and family coverage each increased 4 percent-the same percentage as seen the prior year. The offer rate (59 percent) and the coverage rate (62 percent) in firms offering coverage were similar to prepandemic levels. Covered workers, on average, contributed 17 percent of the cost for single coverage and 28 percent of the cost for family coverage-also similar to prepandemic levels. At the same time, the pandemic has spurred changes to employer benefits. Employers expanded telemedicine benefits, and many made modifications to extend the scope of these benefits. Many employers also adapted wellness and biometric screening programs to better align with employees working remotely and with changes in how employees seek out health care.


Gary Claxton, Matthew Rae, Anthony Damico, Gregory Young, Nisha Kurani, Heidi Whitmore. Health Benefits In 2021: Employer Programs Evolving In Response To The COVID-19 Pandemic. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2021 Dec;40(12):1961-1971

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PMID: 34757826

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