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To establish equivalence in the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) endpoints between proposed biosimilar Insulin-R (Biocon's Insulin-R) and Humulin® R using the euglycaemic clamp technique in healthy subjects. In this phase-1 automated euglycaemic glucose clamp study, 42 healthy subjects were randomized (1:1) to receive a single dose of 0.3 IU/kg of Biocon's Insulin-R and Humulin-R. Plasma insulin concentrations and glucose infusion rates (GIRs) were assessed over 12 hours. Primary PK endpoints were area under the insulin concentration-time curve from 0 to 12 hours (AUCins.0-12h ) and maximum insulin concentration (Cins.max ). Primary PD endpoints were area under the GIR time curve from 0 to 12 hours (AUCGIR.0-12h ) and maximum GIR (GIRmax ). Equivalence was demonstrated between Biocon's Insulin-R and Humulin-R for the primary PK and PD endpoints. The 90% confidence intervals were within 80.00% to 125.00% limits. The PK and PD profiles were comparable. There were no significant differences in the safety profiles of the two treatments, and no serious adverse events were reported. PK and PD equivalence was demonstrated between Biocon's Insulin-R and Humulin-R in healthy subjects. Treatment with Biocon's Insulin-R and Humulin-R was well tolerated. © 2022 Biocon Biologics Limited. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Leona Plum-Mörschel, Gursharan Singh, Sundara Moorthi Nainar Murugesan, Ashwani Marwah, Jayanti Panda, Subramanian Loganathan, Sandeep N Athalye. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic equivalence of Biocon's biosimilar Insulin-R with the US-licensed Humulin® R formulation in healthy subjects: Results from the RHINE-1 (Recombinant Human INsulin Equivalence-1) study. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism. 2022 Apr;24(4):713-721

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PMID: 34981621

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