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Surgical manipulation of the nasal tip is a critical point in functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty procedure. Cephalic strip excision from the lower lateral cartilages, elongation or shortening the caudal septum, structural grafting for supporting the medial and lateral crura are major structural moves in building a durable cartilaginous framework. However, it is suture techniques that make up the final touch in fine tuning of the shape, projection, definition, and angulation (rotation) of the nasal tip over this framework.Problems with fine-tuning of the nasal tip include inadequate or excessive definition, or projection resulting with bulbous or boxy appearance can be overcome reversibly with correctly placed sutures. One of the most decisive sutures in this context is transdomal sutures. Incorrect placement of which can result with too narrow or too wide nostril apices, as well as a cephalic malposition deformity of the lower lateral cartilages, botching an otherwise perfectly executed rhinoplasty procedure.In this article, cephalad placement of the transdomal sutures, and its relevance is disclosed in 223 consecutive cases of primary rhinoplasty.Copyright © 2022 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.


Ufuk Bilkay, Ahmet Biçer, Burak Sercan Erçin, Kutay Durukan, Zeyyat Cüneyt Özek, Tahir Gürler. A Useful Tool for Various Problems in Nasal Tip: The Cephalic Transdomal Suture. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. 2022 Jan 05

PMID: 34991114

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