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Cilia play crucial roles in sensing and transducing extracellular signals. Bidirectional protein trafficking within cilia is mediated by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery containing IFT-A and IFT-B complexes, with the aid of kinesin-2 and dynein-2 motors. The dynein-2 complex drives retrograde trafficking of the IFT machinery after its transportation to the ciliary tip as an IFT cargo. Mutations in genes encoding the dynein-2-specific subunits (DYNC2H1, WDR60, WDR34, DYNC2LI1, and TCTEX1D2) are known to cause skeletal ciliopathies. We here demonstrate that several pathogenic variants of DYNC2LI1 are compromised regarding their ability to interact with DYNC2H1 and WDR60. When expressed in DYNC2LI1-knockout cells, deletion variants of DYNC2LI1 were unable to rescue the ciliary defects of these cells, whereas missense variants, as well as wild-type DYNC2LI1, restored the normal phenotype. DYNC2LI1-knockout cells coexpressing one pathogenic deletion variant together with wild-type DYNC2LI1 demonstrated a normal phenotype. In striking contrast, DYNC2LI1-knockout cells coexpressing the deletion variant in combination with a missense variant, which mimics the situation of cells of compound heterozygous ciliopathy individuals, demonstrated ciliary defects. Thus, DYNC2LI1 deletion variants found in individuals with skeletal ciliopathies cause ciliary defects when combined with a missense variant, which expressed on its own does not cause substantial defects. © 2022. The Author(s).


Hantian Qiu, Yuta Tsurumi, Yohei Katoh, Kazuhisa Nakayama. Combinations of deletion and missense variations of the dynein-2 DYNC2LI1 subunit found in skeletal ciliopathies cause ciliary defects. Scientific reports. 2022 Jan 07;12(1):31

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PMID: 34997029

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