Vaccines against inclusion body hepatitis in chickens are complicated by the involvement of antigenically diverse fowl adenovirus types. Though immunization with fiber protein confers robust protection, type specificity of fiber antibodies is an obstacle for the desired broad coverage. In this study, we utilized information on multiple linear epitopes predicted in the Fowl Aviadenovirus E (FAdV-E) fiber head (knob) to develop chimeric fibers with an exchange between two serotypes' sequences, each containing proposed epitopes. Two consecutive segments pertaining to amino acid positions 1 to 441 and 442 to 525/523 in the fibers of FAdV-8a and -8b, types of Fowl Aviadenovirus E that cause inclusion body hepatitis, were swapped reciprocally to result in novel chimeras, crecFib-8a/8b and crecFib-8b/8a. crecFib was indistinguishable from monospecific recombinant fibers in its eactivity with different FAdV antisera in Western blotting. However, contrary to the results for monospecific fibers, crecFib induced cross-neutralizing antibodies against both serotypes in chickens. This demonstrates three nonidentical epitopes in the FAdV-E fiber, the conserved epitope detected in Western blotting and at least two epitopes participating in neutralization, being type specific and located opposite residue position 441-442. Furthermore, we supply conformational evidence for a site in the fiber knob with accessibility critical for neutralization. With such an extended neutralization spectrum compared to those of individual fibers, crecFib was anticipated to fulfill and even extend the mechanistic basis of fiber-mediated protection toward bivalent coverage. Accordingly, crecFib, administered as a single-antigen component, protected chickens simultaneously against challenge with FAdV-8a or -8b, demonstrated by up-to-complete resistance to clinical disease, prevention of target organ-related changes, and significant reduction of viral load. IMPORTANCE The control of inclusion body hepatitis, a disease of economic importance for chicken production worldwide, is complicated by an etiology involving multiple divergent fowl adenovirus types. The fiber protein is principally efficacious in inducing neutralizing and protective antibodies in vaccinated chickens; however, it faces limitations due to its intrinsic type specificity for neutralization. In this study, based on an in silico-guided prediction of multiple epitopes in the fowl adenovirus fiber head's loops, we designed chimeric proteins, swapping N- and C-distal fiber portions, each containing putative epitopes, between divergent types FAdV-8a and -8b. In in vitro and in vivo studies, the chimeric fiber displayed extended properties compared to those of individual monotype-specific fibers, allowing the number, distribution, functionality, and conformational bearings of epitopes of the fowl adenovirus fiber to be characterized in more detail. Importantly, the chimeric fiber induced cross-neutralizing antibodies and protective responses in chickens against infections by both serotypes, promoting the advancement of broadly protective subunit vaccination strategies against FAdV.
Anna Schachner, Carlotta De Luca, Sarah Heidl, Michael Hess. Recombinantly Expressed Chimeric Fibers Demonstrate Discrete Type-Specific Neutralizing Epitopes in the Fowl Aviadenovirus E (FAdV-E) Fiber, Promoting the Optimization of FAdV Fiber Subunit Vaccines towards Cross-Protection in vivo. Microbiology spectrum. 2022 Feb 23;10(1):e0212321
PMID: 35044206
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