Tetiana Mukhina, Gerald Brezesinski, Chen Shen, Emanuel Schneck
Journal of colloid and interface science 2022 JunGlycolipids in biological membranes are ubiquitous and believed to be involved in the formation of ordered functional domains. However, our current knowledge about such glycolipid-enriched domains is limited because they are inherently difficult to characterize. We use grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, isotherm measurements, and Brewster angle microscopy to investigate the phase behavior and miscibility in Langmuir lipid monolayers containing glycolipids. Glycolipid-enriched domains give rise to distinct diffraction patterns that allow for a systematic structural investigation and reveal a rich phenomenology, ranging from near-complete demixing to the formation of mixed domains with unique features. The phase behavior is governed by the headgroup chemistry and by the length and saturation of the tails. Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tetiana Mukhina, Gerald Brezesinski, Chen Shen, Emanuel Schneck. Phase behavior and miscibility in lipid monolayers containing glycolipids. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2022 Jun;615:786-796
PMID: 35176545
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