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Severe cognitive impairments and cognitive distortions are core to schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (SSDs) and are associated with deteriorated social functioning. Despite well-established efficacy of group psychosocial therapies targeting cognitive health in SSDs, dissemination of these programs remains limited. Remote delivery offers a promising strategy for increasing the programs' accessibility. Yet, little research has evaluated group therapies for cognitive health delivered in this way. Thus, we aimed to assess, from participants' and therapists' perspectives, the feasibility, acceptability, as well as levels and process of engagement in a videoconference delivery of group psychosocial therapies for SSD patients' cognitive health. Participants, outpatients, attended Action Based Cognitive Remediation or Metacognitive Training, both adapted for videoconference. Then, participants and therapists completed post-therapy questionnaires. Of the 28 participants attending at least one session, 75% completed more than half of sessions and seven dropped out. Technology did not appear to significantly hinder participation in the programs. All completing participants reported a positive experience with therapy, 67% were not bothered by the distance from the therapist, and 77% trusted that the information shared was kept confidential. Therapist-rated levels of attention M = 7.5/9 (SD = 1.04), participation M = 6.91/9 (SD = 1.32), and social interactions M = 5.31/9 (SD = 1.96) were satisfactory. Nonetheless, participants indicated that they would have appreciated more social interactions with group members. These positive results validate the earliest stage in the implementation process for remote group therapies targeting cognitive health in SSDs. Remote delivery promises to improve access to therapies targeting cognitive health and, ultimately, facilitate functional recovery for SSD patients. © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.


Daniel Mendelson, Élisabeth Thibaudeau, Geneviève Sauvé, Katie M Lavigne, Christopher R Bowie, Mahesh Menon, Todd S Woodward, Martin Lepage, Delphine Raucher-Chéné. Remote group therapies for cognitive health in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: Feasible, acceptable, engaging. Schizophrenia research. Cognition. 2022 Jun;28:100230

PMID: 35242604

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