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    The electrification of the transportation sector is seen as a main pathway to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate the earth's climate change. Currently, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are entering the market fast. Although EVs have not been used as ambulances yet, the transition to the new type of vehicle is a matter of time. Thus, in this paper we discuss a number of research questions related to the efficient deployment of electric ambulances, focusing on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) point of view and we propose a framework for developing online algorithms that schedule the charging of electric ambulances and their assignment to patients.


    Emmanouil S Rigas, Antonis Billis, Panagiotis D Bamidis. Can Artificial Intelligence Enable the Transition to Electric Ambulances? Studies in health technology and informatics. 2022 May 25;294:73-77

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    PMID: 35612019

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