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  • electron (2)
  • GPDs (1)
  • pion (3)
  • signal (1)
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    We present the first systematic feasibility study of accessing generalized parton distributions of the pion at an electron-ion collider through deeply virtual Compton scattering. Relying on state-of-the-art models for pion GPDs, we show that quarks and gluons interfere destructively, modulating the expected event rate and maximizing it when parton content is generated via radiation from valence dressed quarks. Moreover, gluons are found to induce a sign inversion for the beam-spin asymmetry in every model studied, being a clear signal for pinning down the regime of gluon superiority.


    José Manuel Morgado Chávez, Valerio Bertone, Feliciano De Soto Borrero, Maxime Defurne, Cédric Mezrag, Hervé Moutarde, José Rodríguez-Quintero, Jorge Segovia. Accessing the Pion 3D Structure at US and China Electron-Ion Colliders. Physical review letters. 2022 May 20;128(20):202501

    PMID: 35657889

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