Larissa Machado E Silva Gomide, Maria Alice Zarate Nissel, Viktoria Weihermann, Isabella Correa De Oliveira, Alan Junior De Aguiar, Dunia Verona, Vitória Hibary Nati, Maitê Mateus, Igor Raphael Mathias Valejo, Carlos Humberto Guilman Tanizawa, Bruno Cesar Lubi Finck, Pedro Henrique Batista Santini, Marco Aurélio Raeder Da Costa, Júlio Cezar Uili Coelho
Transplantation proceedings 2022 JunLemierre syndrome is a rare complication of oropharyngeal infection, especially acute pharyngotonsillitis, associated with septicemia and thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein (IJV). We present the case of a 52-year-old patient who underwent liver transplantation and returned with symptoms of pain, redness and left cervical bulging 1 month after surgery. After investigation, the diagnosis of septic thrombophlebitis of the IJV was made. The patient responded well to treatment with antibiotic therapy and full anticoagulation. To the best of our knowledge, the present report is the first report of Lemierre syndrome in a post-liver transplant patient. Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Larissa Machado E Silva Gomide, Maria Alice Zarate Nissel, Viktoria Weihermann, Isabella Correa De Oliveira, Alan Junior De Aguiar, Dunia Verona, Vitória Hibary Nati, Maitê Mateus, Igor Raphael Mathias Valejo, Carlos Humberto Guilman Tanizawa, Bruno Cesar Lubi Finck, Pedro Henrique Batista Santini, Marco Aurélio Raeder Da Costa, Júlio Cezar Uili Coelho. Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Internal Jugular Vein in an Immunocompromised Patient with Lemierre Syndrome: A Case Report. Transplantation proceedings. 2022 Jun;54(5):1388-1390
PMID: 35688768
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