Sheep and goatpox are caused by pox virus and economically very important. The study was conducted to estimate the economic losses due to sheep and goatpox, to estimate the morbidity and mortality as well as the transmission parameters. A cross sectional study was conducted in Chifra districts of Afar region from July 2020 to December 2020 using questioner survey. For the estimation of the economic impacts and the transmission parameters of the outbreak, a data was collected at the end of the outbreak through a direct face to face interview. Transmission parameters were estimated based on a final size approach. Whereas, economic impacts were estimated descriptively using different formulas based on the type of losses. The overall morbidity, mortality and case fatality of sheep and goatpox were 51.6%, 2.0%, and 3.9%, respectively. The average flock level losses due to treatment cost, mortality and abortion were 320.3, 1250 and 1195.6 Ethiopian birr (ETB), respectively. The outbreak caused a total of 63617 ETB losses in the district. The highest loss was due to mortality (28750ETB), whereas the least loss was due to treatment cost (7367ETB). The outbreak had 0.14 and 1.41 transmission rate parameters per day and basic reproduction ratio, respectively. There was a significant difference in the transmission of the infection between individual animals (p < 0.001). To limit the economic losses due to this disease, the farmers should give more attention towards this disease and a systematic control program comprising vaccination and limitation of movement of sheep and goat should be implemented to alleviate the losses due to sheep and goatpox. © 2022 The Author(s).
Belege Tadesse, Muhammed Hamid, Amin Hamid. Transmission dynamics and economic impacts of sheeppox and goatpox disease outbreak in Chifra district of Afar Region Ethiopia. Heliyon. 2022 Jun;8(6):e09674
PMID: 35711991
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