Pain is a very common symptom that often serves a protective function. It is typically treated medically. When pain becomes chronic and intractable, it no longer serves a protective function and often requires more aggressive forms of treatment. Many types of surgeries can be performed for the management of pain. These surgeries can involve ablation (destruction) or augmentation (stimulation or facilitation) of some part of the nervous system. In many of these surgeries, neurophysiologic intraoperative monitoring (NIOM) is not needed, however, in others neuromonitoring serves a mapping and monitoring purpose. The prototype of pain surgery for this chapter is the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) procedure. Both mapping and monitoring can help improve lesioning precision and outcomes in this surgery. In this chapter, the DREZ procedures and other surgeries for primarily pain relief in which NIOM is used are discussed. Surgeries, such as spinal stenosis, in which pain relief is important but not the sole purpose, are not discussed here and are covered elsewhere. Copyright © 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aatif M Husain. Dorsal root entry zone procedure and other surgeries for pain. Handbook of clinical neurology. 2022;186:271-292
PMID: 35772891
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