Jian-Ting Sun, Xin Li, Tian-Yu Yang, Min Lv, Ling-Yan Chen, Bang-Guo Wei
Organic & biomolecular chemistry 2022 Aug 24A practical approach to α-aminophosphonates has been developed through an In(OTf)3-catalyzed N-α phosphonylation of N,O-acetals with triethyl phosphite 7. Indoline and isoindoline N,O-acetals 6a-6j and 9a-9j and chain N,O-acetals 11a-11p were subjected to a Lewis acid catalyzed N-α phosphonylation process. As a result, the desired α-aminophosphonates 8a-8j, 10a-10j and 12a-12p were obtained in moderate to good yields.
Jian-Ting Sun, Xin Li, Tian-Yu Yang, Min Lv, Ling-Yan Chen, Bang-Guo Wei. In(OTf)3-catalyzed N-α phosphonylation of N,O-acetals with triethyl phosphite. Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 2022 Aug 24;20(33):6571-6581
PMID: 35904891
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