Uneeb Saliha, Kelly A Tivendale, Amir H Noormohammadi, Pollob Shil, June Daly, Oluwadamilola S Omotainse, Hafiz U Arshad, Marc S Marenda
Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A 2022 Sep 30RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTSTwo aerosol exposure methods were evaluated to develop avian colibacillosis.Nebulizer method found to be more efficient in reproducing avian colibacillosis.Refined infection method can be used to study genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Uneeb Saliha, Kelly A Tivendale, Amir H Noormohammadi, Pollob Shil, June Daly, Oluwadamilola S Omotainse, Hafiz U Arshad, Marc S Marenda. Nebulization as a more efficient method than atomizer for experimental reproduction of avian colibacillosis in young chickens. Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A. 2022 Sep 30:1-11
PMID: 35950683
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