Taku Yamamichi, Takaaki Sakai, Mina Yoshida, Keita Takayama, Naoko Uga, Satoshi Umeda, Shohei Maekawa, Noriaki Usui
Pediatric surgery international 2022 NovFetuses with persistent cloaca are known to develop urine or meconium backflow into the abdominal cavity caused by obstruction of the common channel, thus leading to fetal peritonitis with fetal ascites. We analyzed the impact of prenatal fetal ascites on postnatal clinical features and management. This retrospective single-center cohort study was conducted to compare the perinatal parameters of patients with isolated persistent cloaca who were born and treated at our hospital between 1991 and 2021. The clinical features and management of those with and without fetal ascites were compared. Among the 17 eligible patients, fetal ascites were recognized in seven. The occurrence of fetal ascites was significantly related to preterm birth, higher birth weight z-score, birth via emergency cesarean delivery, low Apgar scores at 1 min and 5 min, higher C-reactive protein levels at birth, longer duration of oxygen administration, the need for a urinary drainage catheter at initial discharge, and shorter neonatal hospital stays. The postnatal management of patients with persistent cloaca with fetal ascites differed significantly from that of patients without fetal ascites. For patients with unexplained fetal ascites, magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful for determining the definite diagnosis of persistent cloaca. © 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
Taku Yamamichi, Takaaki Sakai, Mina Yoshida, Keita Takayama, Naoko Uga, Satoshi Umeda, Shohei Maekawa, Noriaki Usui. Persistent cloaca with fetal ascites: clinical features and perinatal management. Pediatric surgery international. 2022 Nov;38(11):1577-1583
PMID: 36053329
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