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    Around 60% dairy animals developed moderate to severe hepatic lipidosis at the time of parturition or during early lactation stage. Most of clinician suspect the hepatic lipidosis during above time window only. However, negative energy balance or feeding of high concentrate diet can lead to hepatic lipidosis at any phase of life. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential for diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis by means of hemato-biochemical parameters and ultrasonography of the liver at any stage of life. Here, ultrasonographic back fat thickness measurement was correlated with ultrasonographic features of hepatic lipidosis. A total 60 buffaloes were included under the study and sampled for hematological and biochemical parameters. Hematological parameters did not exhibit any significant difference between healthy and hepatic lipidosis-affected buffaloes. Biochemical parameters like beta hydroxy butyric acid, non esterified fatty acid, aspartate amino transferase, gamma glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase revealed a significant increase, while triglyceride, cholesterol, and glucose declined significantly in hepatic lipidosis-affected buffaloes. Total protein, albumin, and total bilirubin levels did not exhibit any significant difference. Based on ultrasonographic findings, the hepatic lipidosis-affected buffaloes were further sub divided into mild, moderate, and severe groups. Portal vein diameter and depth of portal vein were also estimated in current study. Ultrasonographic examination could diagnose 53.33% hepatic lipidosis cases in buffaloes. Among it, 37.50% buffalo had mild hepatic lipidosis, 33.33% had moderate hepatic lipidosis, and 29.16% had severe hepatic lipidosis. Depth of portal vein significantly increased in hepatic lipidosis cases. However, portal vein diameter exhibited a non-significant difference in mild, moderate, and severe groups of hepatic lipidosis. Back fat thickness also revealed a non-significant difference in mild, moderate, and severe hepatic lipidosis. Above study indicate that B mode ultrasonography of the liver can be employed to differentiate various grades of hepatic lipidosis in buffaloes. Biochemical parameters like NEFA, BHBA, AST, GGT, ALP, TG, cholesterol, and glucose can be helpful to screen the hepatic lipidosis at farm level.© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.


    N R Patel, A Suthar, A S Prajapati, Dhyanjyoti Sarma, Ayushi Nair, S H Raval, H H Panchasara, R M Patel. Hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic evaluation of hepatic lipidosis in dairy buffaloes. Tropical animal health and production. 2022 Sep 29;54(5):329

    PMID: 36173491

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