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Aim of this work was the development of integrated and complex encapsulating systems that will provide more efficient protection to the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12) in comparison to the conventional plain alginate beads. Within the scope of this study, the encapsulation of BB-12 through emulsification followed by external gelation was performed. For this purpose, a variety of alginate-based blends, composed of conventional and novel materials, were used. The results demonstrated that alginate beads incorporating 1% carrageenan or 2% nanocrystalline cellulose provided great protection to the viability of the probiotic bacteria during refrigerated storage (survival rates of 50.3% and 51.1%, respectively), as well as in vitro simulation of the gastrointestinal tract (survival rates of 38.7 and 42.0%, respectively). The incorporation of glycerol into the formulation of the beads improved the protective efficiency of the beads to the BB-12 cells during frozen storage, increasing significantly their viability compared to the plain alginate beads. Beads made of milk, alginate 1%, glucose 5%, and inulin 2% provided the best results in all cases. The microstructure of beads was assessed through SEM analysis and showed absence of free bacteria on the surface of the produced beads. Consequently, the encapsulation of BB-12 through emulsification in a complex encapsulating system was proved successful and effective. © 2022. The Author(s).


Georgia Frakolaki, Virginia Giannou, Constantina Tzia. Encapsulation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Through Emulsification Coupled with External Gelation for the Development of Synbiotic Systems. Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins. 2023 Oct;15(5):1424-1435

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PMID: 36173590

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