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The role of periosteum rich in a variety of bone cells and growth factors in the treatment of bone defects has gradually been discovered. However, due to the limited number of healthy transplantable periosteum, there are still major challenges in the clinical treatment of critical-size bone defects. Various techniques for preparing biomimetic periosteal scaffolds that are similar in composition and structure to natural periosteal scaffold have gradually emerged. This article reviews the current preparation methods of biomimetic periosteal scaffolds based on various biomaterials, which are mainly divided into natural periosteal materials and various polymer biomaterials. Several preparation methods of biomimetic periosteal scaffolds with different principles are listed, their strengths and weaknesses are also discussed. It aims to provide a more systematic perspective for the preparation of biomimetic periosteal scaffolds in the future.


Jinsong Wang, Guobao Chen, Zhong M Chen, Fu P Wang, Bin Xia. Current strategies in biomaterial-based periosteum scaffolds to promote bone regeneration: A review. Journal of biomaterials applications. 2023 Feb;37(7):1259-1270

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PMID: 36251764

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