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Despite their lack of a nervous system and muscles, plants are able to feel, regulate flow, and move. Such abilities are achieved through complex multi-scale couplings between biology, chemistry, and physics, making them difficult to decipher. A promising approach is to decompose plant responses in different blocks that can be modeled independently, and combined later on for a more holistic view. In this perspective, we examine the most recent strategies for designing plant-inspired soft devices that leverage poroelastic principles to sense, manipulate flow, and even generate motion. We will start at the organism scale, and study how plants can use poroelasticity to carry informationin-lieuof a nervous system. Then, we will go down in size and look at how plants manage to passively regulate flow at the microscopic scale using valves with encoded geometric non-linearities. Lastly, we will see at an even smaller scale, at the nanoscopic scale, how fibers orientation in plants' tissues allow them to induce motion using water instead of muscles. © 2022 IOP Publishing Ltd.


Jean-François Louf, Symone L M Alexander. Poroelastic plant-inspired structures & materials to sense, regulate flow, and move. Bioinspiration & biomimetics. 2022 Nov 08;18(1)

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PMID: 36317663

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