Angitha Kp, Sarita Mohapatra, Hitender Gautam, Neha Nityadarshini, Bharat Chandra Das, Viswanath Kumar Yadav
Tropical doctor 2023 AprBloodstream infections are life-threatening. They are responsible for prolonged hospital stays and high healthcare costs. Clinical microbiology has an essential role to play in its management. Direct Gram-stain reporting from positive blood culture bottles has been found helpful. We aimed to evaluate the use of the automated blood culture system in adjunct to the conventional Gram-stain technique, with a direct antimicrobial susceptibility test on the second day. Concordance was highly satisfactory.
Angitha Kp, Sarita Mohapatra, Hitender Gautam, Neha Nityadarshini, Bharat Chandra Das, Viswanath Kumar Yadav. The Gram stain: Implication in blood culture reporting. Tropical doctor. 2023 Apr;53(2):256-259
PMID: 36464790
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