Potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is still one of the main factors limiting potato production. Epichloë spp. can provide host plants with various resistances, which makes them show great potential in the biological control of diseases. In this study, we explored the potential biological activity of crude extracts of 20 strains of Epichloë bromicola to control P. infestans. The crude extracts of strains 1 and 8 showed significant antifungal activity with an inhibition rate of 88 % and 81 %, respectively, and showed different effects on the mycelium morphology of P. infestans observed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, the two crude extracts demonstrated an interesting therapeutic and protective effect on potato late blight, and none of the extracts had an adverse effect against zebrafish embryos. A total of 13 metabolites were isolated from the crude extract of strain 8, and these tested compounds showed a weak antifungal effect and the inhibition rate was less than 80 %. These findings suggested that strains 1 and 8 have potential for biocontrol of late potato blight. © 2022 Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
Fan Li, Da-Hai Mei, Ting Ren, Qiu-Yan Song. Crude Extracts and Secondary Metabolites of Epichloë bromicola against Phytophthora infestans. Chemistry & biodiversity. 2023 Jan;20(1):e202200841
PMID: 36471540
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