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In the ICRU Report 90, the uncertainty of the recommendation for ${{W}}_{{air}}$ was changed from 0.15 to 0.35%. The purpose of this study is to develop an absolute measurement system for ${{W}}_{{air}}$ in electrons with lower uncertainty using 60Co gamma rays. ${{W}}_{{air}}$ was determined by the ratio of the energy deposition to the number of ion pairs created in a given volume of air using a graphite calorimeter and a graphite-wall ionisation chamber. The obtained value for ${{W}}_{{air}}$ was 33.91 eV with a relative standard uncertainty of 0.08 eV (k = 1), and was in good agreement with the recommended value of the ICRU Report 90 (33.97 eV). Additionally, the uncertainty for ${{W}}_{{air}}$ obtained in this investigation is 0.23% and is comparable with that reported by Burns et al., which is the lowest uncertainty in recent studies determining ${{W}}_{{air}}$ In the future, the proposed system can be used to measure ${{W}}_{{air}}$ in high-energy electron beams. © The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:


Yuuki Sato, Morihito Shimizu, Masakatsu Takeda, Yukio Fujita, Masahiro Kato, Tadahiro Kurosawa, Masanori Sato. DEVELOPMENT OF ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR 𝑾AIR IN 60CO GAMMA RAYS. Radiation protection dosimetry. 2023 Mar 02;199(3):ncac280 262 269-276

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PMID: 36575963

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