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    Explosive blast-related traumatic brain injuries (bTBI) are common in war zones and urban terrorist attacks. These bTBIs often result in complex neuropathologic damage and neurologic complications. However, there is still a lack of specific strategies for diagnosing and/or treating bTBIs. The sub-ventricular zone (SVZ), which undergoes adult neurogenesis, is critical for the neurological maintenance and repair after brain injury. However, the cellular responses and mechanisms that trigger and modulate these activities in the pathophysiological processes following bTBI remain poorly understood. Here we employ single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) of the SVZ from mice subjected to a bTBI. This data-set, including 15272 cells (7778 bTBI and 7494 control) representing all SVZ cell types and is ideally suited for exploring the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of bTBIs. Additionally, it can serve as a reference for future studies regarding the diagnosis and treatment of bTBIs. © 2023. The Author(s).


    Manrui Li, Xiameng Chen, Qiuyun Yang, Shuqiang Cao, Steven Wyler, Ruixuan Yuan, Lingxuan Zhang, Miao Liao, Meili Lv, Feng Wang, Yadong Guo, Jihong Zhou, Lin Zhang, Xiaoqi Xie, Weibo Liang. Single-nucleus profiling of adult mice sub-ventricular zone after blast-related traumatic brain injury. Scientific data. 2023 Jan 05;10(1):13

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    PMID: 36604452

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