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  • hepatica (4)
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  • lymnaea (3)
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    Lymnaea stagnalis known as the great pond snail, is one of the intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica, a zoonotic parasite. In this study, it was aimed to determine the larval forms of F. hepatica by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in L. stagnalis species snails collected from the vicinity of Ağrı province. In this study, 150 L. stagnalis snails were collected from the Ağrı province. The freshwater snails brought to the laboratory were dissected, then their soft tissues were examined under a microscope. DNA extraction was performed on the dissected snails. After DNA extraction, PCR was performed using primers targeting the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene region. In the microscopic examination, larval forms of F. hepatica could not be detected. However, it was concluded that two (1.3%) L. stagnalis freshwater snails were infected with the larval forms of F. hepatica in the PCR. It was determined that L. stagnalis served as an intermediate host to F. hepatica in the study area.


    Ahmet Hakan Ünlü, Rahmi Yıldız, Selahattin Aydemir, Abdurrahman Ekici. Molecular Prevalence of Larval Stages of Fasciola hepatica in Lymnaea stagnalis Species Snails in the Vicinity of the Ağrı Province Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi. 2023 Mar 02;47(1):34-37

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    PMID: 36872483

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