Sarah Maria Gaugel, Oliver Hawlitschek, Lara-Sophie Dey, Martin Husemann
Insect molecular biology 2023 AugMitochondrial gene order has contributed to the elucidation of evolutionary relationships in several animal groups. It generally has found its application as a phylogenetic marker for deep nodes. Yet, in Orthoptera limited research has been performed on the gene order, although the group represents one of the oldest insect orders. We performed a comprehensive study on mitochondrial genome rearrangements (MTRs) within Orthoptera in the context of mitogenomic sequence-based phylogeny. We used 280 published mitogenome sequences from 256 species, including three outgroup species, to reconstruct a molecular phylogeny. Using a heuristic approach, we assigned MTR scenarios to the edges of the phylogenetic tree and reconstructed ancestral gene orders to identify possible synapomorphies in Orthoptera. We found all types of MTRs in our dataset: inversions, transpositions, inverse transpositions, and tandem-duplication/random loss events (TDRL). Most of the suggested MTRs were in single and unrelated species. Out of five MTRs which were unique in subgroups of Orthoptera, we suggest four of them to be synapomorphies; those were in the infraorder Acrididea, in the tribe Holochlorini, in the subfamily Pseudophyllinae, and in the two families Phalangopsidae and Gryllidae or their common ancestor (leading to the relationship ((Phalangopsidae + Gryllidae) + Trigonidiidae)). However, similar MTRs have been found in distant insect lineages. Our findings suggest convergent evolution of specific mitochondrial gene orders in several species, deviant from the evolution of the mitogenome DNA sequence. As most MTRs were detected at terminal nodes, a phylogenetic inference of deeper nodes based on MTRs is not supported. Hence, the marker does not seem to aid resolving the phylogeny of Orthoptera, but adds further evidence for the complex evolution of the whole group, especially at the genetic and genomic levels. The results indicate a high demand for more research on patterns and underlying mechanisms of MTR events in Orthoptera. © 2023 The Authors. Insect Molecular Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological Society.
Sarah Maria Gaugel, Oliver Hawlitschek, Lara-Sophie Dey, Martin Husemann. Evolution of mitogenomic gene order in Orthoptera. Insect molecular biology. 2023 Aug;32(4):387-399
PMID: 36883292
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