Sarel J Urso, Anson Sathaseevan, W Brent Derry, Todd Lamitina
Genetics 2023 May 04Maintenance of osmotic homeostasis is one of the most aggressively defended homeostatic set points in physiology. One major mechanism of osmotic homeostasis involves the upregulation of proteins that catalyze the accumulation of solutes called organic osmolytes. To better understand how osmolyte accumulation proteins are regulated, we conducted a forward genetic screen in Caenorhabditis elegans for mutants with no induction of osmolyte biosynthesis gene expression (Nio mutants). The nio-3 mutant encoded a missense mutation in cpf-2/CstF64, while the nio-7 mutant encoded a missense mutation in symk-1/Symplekin. Both cpf-2 and symk-1 are nuclear components of the highly conserved 3' mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation complex. cpf-2 and symk-1 block the hypertonic induction of gpdh-1 and other osmotically induced mRNAs, suggesting they act at the transcriptional level. We generated a functional auxin-inducible degron (AID) allele for symk-1 and found that acute, post-developmental degradation in the intestine and hypodermis was sufficient to cause the Nio phenotype. symk-1 and cpf-2 exhibit genetic interactions that strongly suggest they function through alterations in 3' mRNA cleavage and/or alternative polyadenylation. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that inhibition of several other components of the mRNA cleavage complex also cause a Nio phenotype. cpf-2 and symk-1 specifically affect the osmotic stress response since heat shock-induced upregulation of a hsp-16.2::GFP reporter is normal in these mutants. Our data suggest a model in which alternative polyadenylation of 1 or more mRNAs is essential to regulate the hypertonic stress response. © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Genetics Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Sarel J Urso, Anson Sathaseevan, W Brent Derry, Todd Lamitina. Regulation of the hypertonic stress response by the 3' mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation complex. Genetics. 2023 May 04;224(1)
PMID: 36972377
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