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Scutellaria baicalensis is a functional food that has the potential to treat various diseases. Scutellaria baicalensis can be divided into two types: Ziqin (strip types) and (rotten xylem). Ziqin is used to clear lower energizer large intestine heat syndrome, while Kuqin is used for the treatment of upper energizer lung heat syndrome. At present, the substance basis of the differences between Ziqin and Kuqin is not clear. The changes in metabolite accumulation and protein expression between them were analyzed by the non-targeted metabolomic technique in combination with the label-free proteomics approach. The results showed that the differentially accumulated metabolites and abundant proteins were mainly enriched in the pathways of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, flavonoid biosynthesis, flavone and flavonol biosynthesis, isoflavonoid biosynthesis, and anthocyanin biosynthesis. Collectively, these results reveal the changes of Scutellaria baicalensis in different growth years and provide a reference for selecting the appropriate harvest period. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Jiachen Sun, Lang Du, Zhuo Qu, Huairui Wang, Shengjie Dong, Xuejiao Li, Hui Zhao. Integrated metabolomics and proteomics analysis to study the changes in Scutellaria baicalensis at different growth stages. Food chemistry. 2023 Sep 01;419:136043

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PMID: 37027979

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