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  • corpus luteum (1)
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  • luteal phase (9)
  • progesterone (4)
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    In assisted reproductive cycles (ART), the fine balance of controlling corpus luteum function is severely disrupted. To challenge this iatrogenic deficiency, clinicians aim to provide exogenous support. Several reviews have investigated progesterone route of administration, dosage and timing. A survey about luteal phase support (LPS) after ovarian stimulation was conducted among doctors in charge in Italian II-III level ART centers. With regards to the general approach to LPS, 87.9% doctors declare to diversify the approach; the reasons for diversifying (69.7%) were based on the type of cycle. For all the most important administration routes (vaginal, intramuscular, subcutaneous) it appears that in frozen cycles there is a shift towards higher dosages. The 90.9% of the centers use vaginal progesterone, and when a combined approach is required, in 72.7% of cases vaginal administration is combined with injective route of administration. When Italian doctors were asked about the beginning and duration of LPS, 96% of the centers start the day of the pickup or the day after, while 80% of the centers continue LPS until week 8-12. The rate of participation of the centers confirms the low perceived importance of LPS among Italian ART centers, while may be considered quite surprising the relatively higher percentage of centers that measures P level. Tailorization to women's needs is the new objective of LPS: self-administration, good tolerability are the main aspects for Italian centers. In conclusion, results of Italian survey are consistent to results of main international surveys about LPS.


    Antonio La Marca, Paola Anserini, Andrea Borini, Giuseppe D'Amato, Ermanno Greco, Claudia Livi, Enrico Papaleo, Rocco Rago. Luteal phase support in assisted reproductive technology centers: Italian survey. Minerva obstetrics and gynecology. 2024 Apr;76(2):109-117

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    PMID: 37058319

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