Yan Xiang, Akira Kagawa, Satoshi Nagai, Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi
Tree physiology 2023 Aug 11The dye injection method has been applied to many species to analyze the xylem water transport pathway in trees. However, traditional dye injection methods introduced dye tracers from the surface of cut stems, including several annual rings. Furthermore, the traditional dye injection method did not evaluate radial water movement from the outermost annual rings to the inner annual rings. In this study, we assessed the difference in radial water movement visualized by an injected dye, between stem base cut and current-year root cut samples of Salix gracilistyla Miq., with current-year roots grown hydroponically. The results showed that the number of stained annual rings in the root cut samples was smaller than that in the stem cut samples, and the percentage of stained vessels in the root cut samples was significantly smaller than that in the stem base cut samples in the second and third annual rings. In the current-year root cut samples, water transport mainly occurred in the outermost rings from the current-year roots to leaves. In addition, the theoretical hydraulic conductivity of stained vessels in the stem cut samples was higher in the current-year root cut samples in the second and third annual rings. These findings indicate that the previously reported dye injection method using stem cut samples overestimated the water transport pathway in the inner part of the stems. Moreover, previous hydraulic conductivity measurement methods might not have considered the effects of radial resistance through the annual ring boundary, and they might have overestimated the hydraulic conductivity in the inner annual rings. © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Yan Xiang, Akira Kagawa, Satoshi Nagai, Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi. The difference in the functional water flow network between the stem and current-year root cross-sectional surfaces in Salix gracilistyla stem xylem. Tree physiology. 2023 Aug 11;43(8):1326-1340
PMID: 37098160
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