What Kind of Doctors Will be Needed in the Future? Abstract: To get a notion regarding the future of medical doctors, the changes in the health care system and in society must be considered, for only then can the future professional profile be envisaged. The following text shall illustrate why more diversity among patients and staff as well as more diverse care settings are to be expected due to the coming social developments. Consequently, the professional role of medical doctors will become more fluid and more fragmentary. Medical careers will include more role changes in the future, and the question of co-evolution in the health professions will become much more relevant. All this raises fundamental considerations regarding education and training, but also regarding one's professional identity.
Christof Schmitz. What Kind of Doctors Will be Needed in the Future? Praxis. 2023 Jun;112(7-8):383-387
PMID: 37282517
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