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Magnaporthe oryzae is a pathogenic fungus that seriously harms rice production. Phosphatases and carbon metabolism play crucial roles in the growth and development of eukaryotes. However, it remains unclear how serine/threonine phosphatases regulate the catabolism of triglycerides, a major form of stored lipids. In this study, we identified a serine/threonine protein phosphatase regulatory subunit, Smek1, which is required for the growth, conidiation, and virulence of M. oryzae. Deletion of SMEK1 led to defects in the utilization of lipids, arabinose, glycerol, and ethanol. In glucose medium, the expression of genes involved in lipolysis, long-chain fatty acid degradation, β-oxidation, and the glyoxylate cycle increased in the Δsmek1 mutant, which is consistent with ΔcreA in which a carbon catabolite repressor CREA was deleted. In lipid medium, the expression of genes involved in long-chain fatty acid degradation, β-oxidation, the glyoxylate cycle, and utilization of arabinose, ethanol, or glycerol decreased in the Δsmek1 mutant, which is consistent with Δcrf1 in which a transcription activator CRF1 required for carbon metabolism was deleted. Lipase activity, however, increased in the Δsmek1 mutant in both glucose and lipid media. Moreover, Smek1 directly interacted with CreA and Crf1, and dephosphorylated CreA and Crf1 in vivo. The phosphatase Smek1 is therefore a dual-function regulator of the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and controls fungal development and virulence by coordinating the functions of CreA and Crf1 in carbon catabolite repression (CCR) and derepression (CCDR). © 2023 The Authors. Molecular Plant Pathology published by British Society for Plant Pathology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Zhicheng Huang, Huijuan Cao, Huan Wang, Pengyun Huang, Jing Wang, Ying-Ying Cai, Qing Wang, Yan Li, Jiaoyu Wang, Xiao-Hong Liu, Fu-Cheng Lin, Jianping Lu. The triglyceride catabolism regulated by a serine/threonine protein phosphatase, Smek1, is required for development and plant infection in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular plant pathology. 2023 Oct;24(10):1256-1272

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PMID: 37357820

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