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    The microphthalmia/transcription factor E (MiT/TFE) transcription factors (TFs; TFEB, TFE3, MITF, and TFEC) play a central role in cellular catabolism and quality control and are subject to extensive layers of regulation that influence their localization, stability, and activity. Recent studies have highlighted a broader role for these TFs in driving diverse stress-adaptation pathways, which manifest in a context- and tissue-dependent manner. Several human cancers upregulate the MiT/TFE factors to survive extreme fluctuations in nutrients, energy, and pharmacological challenges. Emerging data suggest that reduced activity of the MiT/TFE factors can also promote tumorigenesis. Here, we outline recent findings relating to novel mechanisms of regulation and activity of MiT/TFE proteins across some of the most aggressive human cancers. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Roberto Zoncu, Rushika M Perera. Emerging roles of the MiT/TFE factors in cancer. Trends in cancer. 2023 Oct;9(10):817-827

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    PMID: 37400313

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