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  • cytoflavin (3)
  • drug combinations (2)
  • flavin (2)
  • heart rate (1)
  • humans (1)
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  • research (1)
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    A clinical observation of the use of Cytoflavin according to a two-stage scheme (10.0 ml intravenously drip per 200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for 10 days, followed by a transition to a tablet form of 2 tablets 2 times/day for 25 days) in a patient with postcovid syndrome with pronounced vegetative and neurocognitive disorders. The effectiveness of therapy was confirmed by an improvement in heart rate variability and a decrease in the severity of depression, anxiety (on the HADS scale) and the level of autonomic dysfunction (on the COMPASS-31 scale). The significant changes in levels of fatigue (on a scale MFI) is not marked. The obtained results can serve as a basis for further research.


    O I Lemeshevskaia, E A Kamaeva, M V Lukashenko, N Yu Gavrilova, L A Soprun. The successful use of Cytoflavin in the patient with postaveny syndrome]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. 2023;123(7):108-111

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    PMID: 37490674

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