Oleksandra Yaroslavivna Pryshliak, Oleksandra Vasulivna Marynchak, Oksana Yevgenivna Kondryn, Ihor Hnatovych Hryzhak, Natalia Ivanivna Henyk, Oksana Mykhailivna Makarchuk, Igor Stepanovych Golovchak, Oleksandr Petrovych Boichuk, Andriy Liubomyrovych Protsyk, Mykola Valeriiovych Prokofiev
Journal of medicine and life 2023 MayThis article discusses the distinct characteristics of COVID-19 in pregnant women and investigates potential early predictors of disease severity in this specific patient population. The study included 116 pregnant women with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in different trimesters of pregnancy. In addition to clinical features, we evaluated general clinical research methods, biochemical parameters (procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, D-dimer), and the leukocyte index of endogenous intoxication and lymphocytic index to identify potential early predictors of disease severity. All pregnant women were divided into two study groups: Group I - pregnant women with mild course, and Group II - pregnant women with moderate and severe course of COVID-19. Most pregnant women (72.4%) experienced a non-severe course characterized by catarrhal symptoms and moderate intoxication. However, pulmonary manifestations and pregnancy-related complications were detected in pregnant women from Group 2. The levels of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin in both study groups were significantly increased compared to the control group. In pregnant women with moderate and severe COVID-19, indicators of endogenous intoxication were significantly pronounced. Establishing associations between leukocyte indices and biomarkers, such as procalcitonin and C-reactive protein, enables the utilization of routine complete blood counts as a primary screening tool for predicting the severity of COVID-19 in pregnant women. ©2023 JOURNAL of MEDICINE and LIFE.
Oleksandra Yaroslavivna Pryshliak, Oleksandra Vasulivna Marynchak, Oksana Yevgenivna Kondryn, Ihor Hnatovych Hryzhak, Natalia Ivanivna Henyk, Oksana Mykhailivna Makarchuk, Igor Stepanovych Golovchak, Oleksandr Petrovych Boichuk, Andriy Liubomyrovych Protsyk, Mykola Valeriiovych Prokofiev. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of COVID-19 in pregnant women. Journal of medicine and life. 2023 May;16(5):766-772
PMID: 37520486
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