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Development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a multistep process intensively studied; however, precocious diagnosis and effective therapy still remain unsatisfactory. The role for Notch signaling in PDAC has been discussed controversially, as both cancer-promoting and cancer-antagonizing functions have been described. Thus, an improved understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms is necessary. Here, we focused on RBPJ, the receiving transcription factor in the Notch pathway, examined its expression pattern in PDAC, and characterized its function in mouse models of pancreatic cancer development and in the regeneration process after acute pancreatitis. Conditional transgenic mouse models were used for functional analysis of RBPJ in the adult pancreas, initiation of PDAC precursor lesions, and pancreatic regeneration. Pancreata and primary acinar cells were tested for acinar-to-ductal metaplasia together with immunohistology and comprehensive transcriptional profiling by RNA sequencing. We identified reduced RBPJ expression in a subset of human PDAC specimens. Ptf1α-CreERT-driven depletion of RBPJ in transgenic mice revealed that its function is dispensable for the homeostasis and maintenance of adult acinar cells. However, primary RBPJ-deficient acinar cells underwent acinar-to-ductal differentiation in ex vivo. Importantly, oncogenic KRAS expression in the context of RBPJ deficiency facilitated the development of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions with massive fibrotic stroma formation. Interestingly, RNA-sequencing data revealed a transcriptional profile associated with the cytokine/chemokine and extracellular matrix changes. In addition, lack of RBPJ delays the course of acute pancreatitis and critically impairs it in the context of KRASG12D expression. Our findings imply that downregulation of RBPJ in PDAC patients derepresses Notch targets and promotes KRAS-mediated pancreatic acinar cells transformation and desmoplasia development. Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Leiling Pan, Medhanie A Mulaw, Johann Gout, Min Guo, Hina Zarrin, Peggy Schwarz, Bernd Baumann, Thomas Seufferlein, Martin Wagner, Franz Oswald. RBPJ Deficiency Sensitizes Pancreatic Acinar Cells to KRAS-Mediated Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia Initiation. Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology. 2023;16(5):783-807

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PMID: 37543088

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