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    Among natural radionuclides, 210Po is the major contributor to the radiation dose received by marine organisms. In cephalopods, 210Po is concentrated in the digestive gland, which contains over 90% of the whole-body burden of the nuclide. Although previous studies showed that 210Po was taken up independently of 210Pb, its parent nuclide, very little is known about the factors influencing its levels in cephalopods. To the best of our knowledge, no studies investigated 210Po levels in different species at the same time. In the present study, 210Po was analysed in the digestive gland of 62 individuals from 11 species representing a large range of feeding ecologies and habitats, including squids, cuttlefish and octopus species from coastal to deep-oceanic habitats. Among species, the highest activity was measured in Loligo vulgaris (5720 ± 3606 Bq/kg) and the lowest in T. megalops (188 Bq/kg). However, considering the habitats (benthic vs pelagic and neritic vs oceanic), no significant differences appeared. At the species level, no differences between sexes were found so both sexes were plotted together to test the size effect for species with at least 8 individuals (i.e., Eledone cirrhosa, L. vulgaris, L. forbesi and Sepia officinalis). In the first three species, 210Po levels decreased significantly with increasing size or weight but not in S. officinalis. In squid, this could be related to ontogenetic changes in diet from a high proportion of crustaceans (high Po content) in small individuals to fish (low Po content) in larger individuals, while the high dietary plasticity of S. officinalis at all stages of its life cycle could explain the lack of decrease in 210Po with size. In comparison to the few data from the literature, the levels of 210Po concentrations in the cephalopod community of the Bay of Biscay were overall in the same range than those reported in other cephalopods, varying across 4 orders of magnitude. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanism of retention in the cephalopod digestive gland. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Paco Bustamante, Aniel Guillen-Arruebarruena, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Tiphaine Chouvelon, Jérôme Spitz, Michel Warnau, Carlos M Alonso Hernandez. Variation of 210-polonium in the cephalopod community from the Bay of Biscay, North-East Atlantic. Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2023 Nov;268-269:107265

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    PMID: 37562207

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