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It has been demonstrated that the nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays an important role in modulation of nociception due to its extensive connections with different regions of the brain. In addition, this nucleus receives histaminergic projections from tuberomammillary nucleus. Considering the role of the central histaminergic system in nociception, the effect of histamine and its H 2 and H 3 receptors agonist and antagonist microinjections into the NAc on orofacial formalin nociception was investigated. In male Wistar rats, using stereotaxic surgery, two guide cannulas were bilaterally implanted into the right and left sides of the NAc. Diluted formalin solution (1.5%, 50 µl) injection into the vibrissa pad led to orofacial nociception. Immediately after injection, face rubbing was observed at 3-min blocks for 45 min. Orofacial formalin nociception was characterized by a biphasic nociceptive response (first phase: 0-3 min and second phase: 15-33 min). Microinjections of histamine (0.5 and 1 μg/site), dimaprit (1 μg/site, H 2 receptor agonist) and thioperamide (2 μg/site, H 3 receptor antagonist) attenuated both phases of formalin orofacial nociception. Prior microinjection of famotidine (2 μg/site) inhibited the antinociceptive effects of dimaprit (1 μg/site). Furthermore, comicroinjection of thioperamide (2 μg/site) and immepip (1 μg/site) prevented thioperamide (2 μg/site)-induced antinociception. Naloxone (2 μg/site) also prevented histamine, dimaprit- and thioperamide-induced antinociception. The results of this study demonstrate that at the level of the NAc, histamine and its H 2 and H 3 receptors are probably involved in the modulation of orofacial nociception with an opioid system-dependent mechanism. Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Azam Notaj, Amir Erfanparast, Esmaeal Tamaddonfard, Farhad Soltanalinejad-Taghiabad. Exogenous histamine and H 2 receptor activation and H 3 receptor inhibition in nucleus accumbens modulate formalin-induced orofacial nociception through opioid receptors. Behavioural pharmacology. 2024 Apr 01;35(2-3):66-78

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PMID: 37578392

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