Manon Sorel, Laetitia Fradet, Perrine Coste-Mazeau, Yves Aubard, Anne-Cécile Pizzoferrato, Fabrice Pierre, Bertrand Gachon
Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction 2023 NovThe number of deliveries by forceps decreases significantly in favour of the vacuum. Now, when the use of forceps is necessary, physicians less experimented with this procedure are likely to induce serious and preventable perineal or foetal injuries. Training therefore becomes essential. However, there are no clear recommendations on the technique to perform a delivery by forceps, namely the body posture and gesture to adopt. Our goal is then to provide a protocol that can help to determine if there is an optimal technique to perform a delivery by forceps. We will include voluntary participants whose level of experience and type of practice differ. We will propose to record their postures and gestures using an optoelectronic motion analysis system during a forceps delivery simulated on a mannequin. We will also measure the traction force produced by the subject on the forceps using force platforms and technical markers placed on the forceps. We will then perform a principal component analysis to look for similar motion patterns. We plan to analyse about fifty participants (25 seniors and 25 juniors). Our hypothesis is that the realism of the simulation will be deemed satisfactory by the participants, that the experimental conditions will not modify their gestures, and that the degree of experience will result in different techniques. A better knowledge on the posture and gesture to adopt to realise a forceps delivery should improve the safety of women and new-borns. The results of this study could also be a valuable contribution for the training of obstetricians. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Manon Sorel, Laetitia Fradet, Perrine Coste-Mazeau, Yves Aubard, Anne-Cécile Pizzoferrato, Fabrice Pierre, Bertrand Gachon. A new approach to assessing the obstetrician's posture and movement during an instrumental forceps delivery. Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction. 2023 Nov;52(9):102654
PMID: 37643694
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