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Hyperparathyroidism occasionally develops secondary to genetic disorders, though CDC73-related diseases such as hyperparathyroid jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT) are among the least common. Typically, patients are identified in the third decade of life by characteristically early development of hyperparathyroidism, atypical pathology on histologic evaluation of parathyroid adenomas, or presence of concomitant tumors in the jaw, renal, or uterine anatomy. We report a case of a 60-year-old male who was identified as having hyperparathyroidism jaw tumor syndrome after presenting with recurrent hyperparathyroidism 10 years after parathyroid adenoma resection, which is likely the oldest age to date for diagnosis. We also review his clinical presentation, pathophysiology, genetic significance, and surveillance criteria relating to HPT-JT. Copyright © 2023, Kang et al.


James R Kang, Jacob Burlew, Andrew Paulus, Joseph Kluesner. Recurrent Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Hyperparathyroid Jaw Tumor Syndrome: A Case Report. Cureus. 2023 Jul;15(7):e42732

PMID: 37654924

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