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Background: Since the introduction of insulin pumps into the therapy of pediatric subjects, different approaches have been taken to find optimal basal rates. Previously, the DPV registry provided circadian basal rate patterns for different age groups. As the number of pump users has increased recently and short-acting insulin analogues are now predominant, we performed a new analysis with a larger data pool. Methods: We included all recent basal profiles from type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients between 1 and 25 years from the DPV 2021 data pool. We excluded night-time-only pump users, human regular insulin users, and daily basal rates <0.05 and >1.0 U/(kgBW·d). Results: In the analysis of profiles from 25,718 young persons with T1D, differences in the daily pattern of basal rates were found between age groups. In addition, we saw significant (P < 0.001) differences in total daily basal dose between genders in all age groups except adults. In addition, the shape of the expected basal-rate pattern differed by body mass index, HbA1c, and use of continuous glucose monitoring. Discussion: This analysis demonstrates multiple factors influencing basal patterns and insulin requirement, including age group, gender, overweight, HbA1c, bolus frequency, and sensor use. As circadian basal rates are still mandatory for initiating insulin pump therapy with or without automation, a multimodal approach is necessary to estimate optimal basal rates.


Torben Biester, Alexander Eckert, Marianne Becker, Claudia Boettcher, Sven Golembowski, Bettina Heidtmann, Christoph Klinkert, Silvia Müther, Birgit Rami-Merhar, Reinhard W Holl. Expected Basal Insulin Requirement During Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy by Age Group, Sex, and Body Mass Index, Based on 25,718 Young People with Type 1 Diabetes in the DPV Registry. Diabetes technology & therapeutics. 2023 Sep 20

PMID: 37668604

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